I wish I'd known these git commands earlier

I wish I'd known these git commands earlier


Stashing Changes

git stash -> # Temporarily saves your uncommitted changes
git stash list -> # Lists all stashed changes
git stash apply stash@{0} -> # Applies the specified stash without removing it
git stash pop -> # Applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stash list
git stash drop stash@{0} -> # Deletes a specific stash

Working with Tags

git tag -> # Lists all tags in the repository
git tag -a v1.0 -m “Version 1.0“ -> # Creates an annotated tag with a message
git push --tags -> # Pushes all tags to the remote repository
git tag -d v1.0 -> # Deletes a tag locally 
git push origin --delete v1.0 -> # Deletes a tag from the remote repository

Cherry Picking

git cherry-pick commit-hash -> # Applies a specific commit from another branch
git cherry-pick --continue -> # Continues the cherry-pick process after resolving conflicts 
git cherry-pick --abort -> # Aborts the cherry-pick process

Working with Remotes

git remote -v -> # Lists all remote repositories and their URLs
git remote add origin https://github/com/user/repo.git -> # Adds a new remote repository
git remote remove origin -> # Removes a remote repository
git fetch origin -> # Fetches all branches and updates from the remote
git pull origin branch-name --rebase -> # Rebases the local branch with the remote branch

Git Aliases

git config --global alias.st status -> # Creates an alias for ‘git status’
git config --global alias.co checkout -> # Creates an alias for ‘git checkout’
git config --global alias.br branch -> # Creates an alias for ‘git branch’

Bisecting to find Bugs

git bisect start -> # Starts the bisect process
git bisect bad -> # Marks the current commit as bad
git bisect good commit-hash -> # Marks a specific commit as good
git bisect reset -> # Ends the bisect session and returns to the original branch

Cleaning Untracked Files

git clean -n -> # Displays the untracked files and directories that would be removed
git clean -f -> # Removes untracked files
git clean -fd -> # Removes untracked files and directories

Interactive Rebase

git rebase -i HEAD~3 -> # Opens an interactive rebase for the last three commits
# Actions during interactive rebase:
# - pick: Keep the commit as is
# - squash: Combine this commit with the previous one
# - reword: Modify the commit message
# - edit: Modify the commit 
git rebase --abort -> # Aborts the rebase process and restores the original branch
git rebase --continue -> # Continues the rebase process after resolving conflicts