Why localStorage vs/ sessionStorage matter in Web Storage

Why localStorage vs/ sessionStorage matter in Web Storage



Web storage provides a way to store data on the client-side, allowing web apps to persist user data within the browser. This capability is essential for several reasons as it can maintain state preservation like user preferences, themes or form inputs between sessions without requiring server-side storage. It can also reduce server load and latency by storing frequently accessed data locally. Another major point is that it enables applications to function without an internet connection by storing necessary data on the client-side.

Both localStorage and sessionStorage are web storage mechanisms that allow websites to store data on a user’s browser.

Local Storage

localStorage retains data indefinitely until explicitly deleted, making it suitable for persistent data like user preferences.

Session Storage

sessionStorage maintains data only for the duration of the page session; once the browser or tab is closed, the data is cleared.

Static Links

A static link is a webpage that has a permanent URL which doesn’t change. For example, https://www.yourhomepage.com/index.html.

Dynamic Links

If the website uses a script that can create custom web pages through a database query, the website then has the ability to generate pages with dynamic links. Dynamic pages are the results of a database search driven by a user looking for specific information. The script takes the variables that the user typed in or checked for and searches a database to create a custom web page from a template, then insert whatever the specific information the user requested.

For example, https://www.yourhomepage.com/shoes.php?productId=12345&colorId=5.